Leah Wyar
Vice President of Byrdie
Shame on mom-shamers. Experienced their wrath? Share your story.
I was shamed for letting my 5-year-old look at my phone at a restaurant. The shamers had no idea that it was an educational game or that I have a 15-minutes-only-after-dinner rule. And yet...
If any line of work needs inspo, it's motherhood. What type of mothers inspire you?
Moms who keep it real inspire me. We live in a world—the 'gram—where perfection is manufactured. Any time I see a mom admitting she's phoned it in for a day, or that she bought the bake-sale goods (and left them in the packaging!), or that she forgot to move her Elf on the Shelf...bow down.
Sometimes we're all BAD MUTHAs (as we should be). When did you go against traditional advice? Better worlds start with better moms. How can the motherhood community improve?
In NYC, nannies are the norm. But hiring one wasn't for me. I felt strongly about sending my son to daycare when I went back to work, but had my fair share of eyebrow raises, scoffs and fear mongering. In the end, I went with my gut and never regretted it.
"Less judging and gossip. More support and cheerleading."
Better worlds start with better moms. How can the motherhood community improve?
Less judging and gossip. More support and cheerleading.
How do you like to MUTHA yourself and ensure you still have some 'me' time?
Before quarantine: Weekly acupuncture and chair massages. Now, I just try to steal snuggles and snoozes with my five-year-old...it chills me out. Plus, he'll be getting a sister soon, and I want to sneak in as much 1:1 time with him as I can.