Rocky Barnes
Mother & Model
Shame on mom-shamers. Experienced their wrath? Share your story.
I haven’t had any serious mom shamers yet, but if and when they come at me, I’m happy to block and delete!
If any line of work needs inspo, it's motherhood. What type of mothers inspire you?
Being a working mom, I am super inspired by other moms who make the mom/work balance work! I think the modern mother can do it all. I do not want to have to choose between a career and being a mom! I truly believe we can have it all!
Sometimes we're all BAD MUTHAs (as we should be). When did you go against traditional advice?
I had a very traumatic birth experience, my son Jones was in the NICU for the first week of his life, and I had 3rd degree tearing and could not walk for over a week. Despite this I am so grateful and happy to be a mother, but I think it is so important to share both the good and bad of motherhood. We all go through it and sharing the good AND the bad is a huge source of comfort in an already isolating experience.
"I believe in order to be the best mother you must first take care of yourself. For me that means not being afraid to ask for help, from my husband, family, or a nanny... Even supermoms know it takes a village!"
Better worlds start with better moms. How can the motherhood community improve?
I believe in order to be the best mother you must first take care of yourself. For me that means not being afraid to ask for help, from my husband, family, or a nanny... Even supermoms know it takes a village!
We all need a champion. Who in your life consistently supports your full spectrum of parenting choices?
I feel very lucky to have a ton of girlfriends who are also new moms. We are constantly sharing tips and tricks and supporting each other through any good and bad! We are all getting through this together!
Reverse that. Who in your life do you support without judgement?
My mom! She always told me “you won’t understand until you’re a parent” boy was she right! Haha
Rewind. Has your mother ever shared a moment about her being a BAD MUTHA?
When my parents got divorced my mom shaved and bleached her hair. At the time I was so embarrassed, why did my mom always have to be so weird and different (we also had a Christmas cactus, a kombucha mushroom in our fridge, and wore vintage kids clothing) Now that I’m older I realize how cool my mom was and appreciate how she never gave into social norms.
Fast forward. What parenting insight will you share with your child if/when they become a parent?
Sleep whenever you can, trust your instincts and enjoy the ride!
How do you like to MUTHA yourself and ensure you still have some 'me' time?
I feel very lucky to have a very hands-on husband! He is great with Jones and lets me get away to workout, get a massage, get my nails done, or a glass (or bottle) of wine with my girls!